C'est vraiment the B-A-Ba de la propagande. Mais ça marche.
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*************************** Life, politics, faith, culture, peace, humanity and in-humanity; with an emphasis on the painful man-made context of Palestine/Israel ***************************** ************** Vie, politique, foi, culture, paix, humanité et in-humanité; avec un intérêt particulier pour la situation en Palestine/Israël **************
“The arguments about demolishing Palestinian homes because they are not within the Jerusalem building code tested SO badly that we are not even going to dignify them with a Word’s That Don’t Work box. Americans hate their own local planning boards for telling them where they can and can’t put swimming pools or build fences. You don’t need to import that animosity into your own credibility issues. Worse yet, talking about ‘violations of building codes’ when a TV station is showing the removal of a house that looks older than the modern state of Israel is simply catastrophic.”Guess we all have problems eh?
"There was an army invasion in the village last night, and today there was this. It was the ugliest thing I have ever seen, yet that's a superlative, but so be it. It was evil I tell you, evil. Pushing old women, throwing tear gas at kids, concussion grenades at pregnant women, throwing men to the ground, hitting them in the back with rifles, breaking cameras. It was like a mob of angry "professional"-soldier-thugs. The soldiers were holding each other back from doing worse things. Why did they do this? Because Palestinians were trying to feed their goddamn sheep. Unbelievable.Elrig - voice in the desert? Cassandra?
This occupation has to end, it has to. People can't endure this forever."